Offer T&C’s Our offer is valid for one test per person. This can be arranged by calling our Wylde Green practice or clicking here to complete our online form. Our offer cannot be exchanged for cash or eye-health products to the same value or redeemed by customers already entitled to a free NHS-funded eye test. Eye tests are free under the NHS if you are under 16 years of age, you are 16, 17, or 18 and in full-time education, or if you are 60 and over. For more information on whether you qualify for a free eye test visit www.nhs.uk

How we’re making our Practice safe for our clients.

We’re still open during the latest lockdown. We are currently operating by appointment only for eye examinations, consultations and collections. This will restrict the number of clients within the practice at any one time to a safe level.

Everyone entering our practice will be required to wear a face mask, will need to hand sanitise and will also have their temperature taken using our infrared forehead thermometer.

Although our entire team have been vaccinated we will continue with Rapid Testing on the morning of each day we are conducting eye tests. Following government and industry guidelines, Mr Lad will wear PPE; including an apron, a facemask and visor whilst performing eye tests. Our extended appointment times allow us to disinfect all areas before and after clients arrive.

We have fitted protection screens to our reception desk and onto instruments used during the eye examination.

All frames on display are cleaned each day and also after they’ve been handled. We have removed all non-essential items magazines, leaflets etc..